Saturday, December 11, 2010

Garlic Soup for colds

One of my all time favorite soup recipes for breaking and or reducing a cold duration is a combonation of:
Chicken broth, egg and Garlic.  I went ahead and added to the mix, Rosemary and Thyme.

Thyme is great for fighting infections, strengthening the respiratory tract (Bronchial Dilator), is an expectorant and decongestant for your chest and is an  anti: biotic, septic, bacterial, fungal, spasmodic and more.

Rosemary, one of my faves, has some of the same values as Thyme, but Rosemary also helps stimulate the blood flow through the heart, is a relaxant to the nervous system and (the purpose of using it in this soup) a recouperation herb, from illness.  It helps to restore your immune system and as an antioxidant helps prevent free radical cell damage.

Garlic has powerful researched and documented antibiotic and antibacterial values and another fav of mine to use for colds, flu etc... Garlic is just great in general.

One egg has 13 essential nutrients, including riboflavins for cell energy, selenium, which acts as an antioxidant to prevent the breakdown of tissues, iron which helps in the production of red blood cells and transporting of oxygen and more.  A good sight to look at for egg nutrition is .

For the soup, I use one can of chicken broth, one sliced/pressed garlic clove, a couple of pinches of both Thyme and Rosemary and one egg.

I usually let the broth boil, add the egg, reduce heat, add the herbs, let it steep for at least 10 minutes and serve. 

It's actually pretty tasty and I always add a bit more rosemary because I love the flavor and the aroma.

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